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Preview of Hawaii Cancer Facts and Figures 2010.

Hernandez BY, Green MD, Cassel KD, Pobutsky AM, Vu V, Wilkens LR.


Hernandez BY, Green MD, Cassel KD, Pobutsky AM, Vu V, Wilkens LR. (2010) Preview of Hawaii Cancer Facts and Figures 2010. Hawaii Medical Journal 69(9):223-224.


Each year, nearly 6,700 Hawaii residents are diagnosed with cancer and more than 2,000 die from the disease. Detailed data on the burden of cancer in Hawaii, including cancer incidence and mortality rates, are available in Hawaii Cancer Facts & Figures 2010 (CF&F). A collaborative effort of the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, the American Cancer Society and the Hawaii Department of Health, this update of the original version published in 2003 is intended as a tool for public health education, research, and planning. The following are highlights of years 2000-2006 (a 6-year period) data as featured in Hawaii Cancer Facts & Figures 2010.

Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20848386
PMID: 20848386